What’s a Apple LogicBoard ? The Mac Book logic board is analogous to a PC "MOTHERBOARD" – That is computer's main circuit board. It contains the central processing unit (CPU), main system memory, and circuitry that controls the HDD, ODD, keyboard, monitor, and peripherals. What is the Main Cause Apple LogicBoard Failure? If Mac Book is not accidently damaged like liquid spill or broken then what could be the reason the logic board gets faulty by itself let me explain on this issue. Whether you have a Mac or PC laptop, three causes lead the list: heat, solder, and static problems. Some failures result from faults in manufacturing, as with some gently-used units that fail only weeks after purchase. Along with this dusty environment and moisture could deal with great damage of any logic board. · Specific generations of Mac Books (like the Mac Book Pro 15", early) are associated with serious graphics board problems. R...
Specialist Apple Mac Book repairing Nehru Place New Delhi